First mobility in Italy | Circo e dintorni

Circo e dintorni

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Youth Acrobata World
First mobility in Italy

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The first mobility in Italy took place from 26/10/20 to 13/11/20 and involved 7 Kenyans, 7 Colombians and 6 Italians.
It included a high-level formative path to face the challenges of live entertainment modern labor market, held at Circo e dintorni’s headquarters in San Donà di Piave and Noventa di Piave (Venice) by international trainers, renowned artists, academics and show professionals such as Raffaele De Ritis, the only European director who had work for the main three USA circuses (Barnum, Cirque du Soleil, Big Apple Circus), Alessio Michelotti from Associazione Nazionale Arti Performative, the traditional circus performers Riccardo Orfei and Isabella Zavatta Althoff, Luciano Giarola (labor consultant), “Doctor Circus” Giansisto Garavelli and Gabriele Adani, graphic designer specialised in visual communication for circuses and amusement parks.
Participants learned how to become self-entrepreneur in the circus world studying topics as artistic, aesthetic and productive models of circus, creation of a circus act, career management, live entertainment regulations, graphic design, health of performers, marketing, audience development, festivals organization, press office and media relations and social circus.
The first mobility also included online classes about personal branding and social media marketing held by Professor Silvia Borsari of IULM University and educational visits to relevant live entertainment realities such as the Centro Educativo di Documentazione delle Arti Circensi (one of the most appreciate circus documentation center in Europe) and the Accademia d’Arte Circense in Verona (one of the best circus school in the world).

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