Second mobility in Italy | Circo e dintorni

Circo e dintorni

tutto il circo che cerchi

Youth Acrobata World
Second mobility in Italy

The second mobility in Italy took place from 16/11/21 to 05/12/21 and involved 7 Kenyans, 7 Colombians and 6 Italians.
It included a high-level formative path to face the challenges of live entertainment modern labor market held at Circo e dintorni’s headquarters in San Donà di Piave and Noventa di Piave (Venice), the participation to Circus Study Days at the Università degli Studi in Milan, classes at IULM University in Milan about video creation held by professors Simona Pezzano and Giuseppe Carrieri, and educational visits to relevant live entertainment realities such as the Centro Educativo di Documentazione delle Arti Circensi (one of the most appreciate circus documentation center in Europe), the Accademia d’Arte Circense (one of the best circus school in the world), the amusement park Leolandia (that employs several performers) and San Domenico Theatre in Crema, with the possibility to see a theatre-circus production backstage.
During this second mobility, the participants met dozens international trainers, renowned artists, academics and show professionals such as Alice Mazzini (live entertainment organizer), Fabio Dal Gallo (social circus professor at the Universidade Federal da Bahia, the journalist Dario Duranti, the antipodean Selyna Bogino, Luisa Cuttini (festivals director), Adolfo Rossomando (audience development manager), Guillaume Hotz (circus trainer), Daniel Romila from Parada, the traditional circus artists and trainers Paride Orfei and Snezhinka Nedeva, Giulia Guiducci (festival manager), Filippo Malerba (artistic director), the juggler Lucas Zileri, the Juggling Therapy founder Antonio Caggioni, the journalist Nicola Baroni, the social clown Maurizio Accattato and the artists and trainers Elier Osoria, Alessandro Vallin, and Davide Allena.
The selected youth workers learned how to become self-entrepreneur in the circus world studying topics as artistic, aesthetic and productive models of circus, creation of a circus act, career management, live entertainment regulations, graphic design, health of performers, marketing, audience development, festivals organization, press office and media relations and social circus.

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