News | Circo e dintorni

Circo e dintorni

tutto il circo che cerchi

Youth Acrobata World

Youth Acrobata World

In February 2022 the project ended with the realization of the last homecoming trainings in Kenya and Colombia and with the presentation of Youth Acrobata World to the European Circus Association General Members Meeting.
As dissemination activities, a media kit with all the information about the formative path and the outcomes was created and a
video-documentary dedicated to the whole experience was realized.

Press review

Youth Acrobata World is having a huge media coverage. Here you can find articles, interviews, and TV services dedicated to the project.

Youth Acrobata World Call

Youth Acrobata World is selecting 6 persons who want to have an international experience in the theatre-circus field, with the aim of enhancing his/her creative and entrepreneurial skills in a stimulating environment for youth, being in contact with artists coming from Kenya and Colombia.
Youth Acrobata World offers a high-level formative path held by academics and live entertainment and social circus professionals that includes practical activities and educational visits that let the participants face the labor market of this sector.
At the end of the project, the selected candidates will have the competences to manage their career in live shows business and in the field of circus training.

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17th January 2020 – Presentation at Monte Carlo

Circo e dintorni’s artistic director Alessandro Serena took part to the symposium 
EU Recognition, Support and Funding for Circus oranised by European Circus Association at the Monte Carlo International Circus Festival. He presented Youth Acrobata Workd to the stakeholders from all over the world, explaining the importance of such European programmes for circus realities.
The symposium wa salso attended by the European Parlament Member Tamás Lajos Szalay, by Jacqueline Snijders of Panteia and by Peter Fékete, Hungarian Minister of Culture.

December 2019-February 2020 – Casting

Youth Acrobata World’s partner are proceeding with the casting of the participants with thei aim of selecting performer who have already a good technical and artistic level and who show a potential to be part of a project that will enhance their entrepreneurial competences and their career management skills.

The partners are also preparing the formative path, choosing academics and trainers who will hold the lessons, creating a complete didactic proposal that will offer the necessary know-how to a new professional figure in the field of social circus.

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