Youth Acrobata World
The participants were selected through international calls and introductory workshops in Kenya, Colombia and Italy involving dozens of youth workers. Auditions were held online and in presence by professional trainers by Circo e dintorni, Axioma and Sarakasi thanks to a public competition. The selection was based on common and specific criteria agreed by the partners and integrated with adequate standards specific to the local situations.
Common criteria
Age of participants: over 18 years old
Experience and interest in the circus art: professional capacities, future personal expectations and plans fitting with the project aims
Attitude and willingness towards learning the international sector language and the acquisition of new skills
Availability to participate to the project
Interest and motivation to be part of an international team
Open minded towards foreign countries’ habits (local food, social habits etc.)
A good level of English
Specific criteria
These criteria aim to select the participants who do not only have appropriate skills for mobility but can personally and professionally profit deeply from it.
During the audition, every candidate was asked to explain his/her personal attitudes, describing the expected growth path and their professional objectives as well the reasons why they feel “entitled” to participate in the mobility, in order to deeply orient the selectors’ choice
Candidates from Kenya and Colombia were selected considering their educational background related to social circus and their previous experiences as youth workers
The consortium has privileged candidates with specific skills: as the participants from Kenya and Colombia were supposed to teach to other young people in their countries, YAW chose the candidates who already have a good circus preparation; the Italian candidates were instead selected basing on their career of studies, on their previous experiences and on their wish to approach the cultural live entertainment labor market
For each mobility, Youth Acrobata World selected 7 Kenyan artists, 7 Colombian performers and 6 Italian cultural operators.
Casting in Kenya
Casting in Colombia
Casting in Italy