Youth Acrobata World

An innovative way to exploit the social and inclusive value of the circus art for youth
Circus has always had social impact specially on youth. In the last years, big companies as Cirque du Soleil and several small/medium groups and festivals with hundreds of workers are born. As they frequently manage only one specific field, they find it hard to face the globalized live show market.
Youth Acrobata World impacts on this situation developing a high-level formative path including all performing arts aspects, with particular attention on social inclusion.
This project is supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission. It aims at promoting a new typology of youth worker completely in line with the ET2020 Framework and the most actual and effective EU youth policies.
Specific objectives are to enhance the competences of socially disadvantaged youth to promote their social inclusion, to develop a new work-based learning method in the field of circus art and to promote awareness on the relevance of this new professional profile in the field of capacity building.
Youth Acrobata World consisted in several activities such as casting of Kenyan, Colombian and Italian circus youth workers; 2 mobilities in Italy with a non-formal and informal work-based learning path held by academics and performing arts operators; homecoming training in Kenya and Colombia as a formative experience restitution to other youth workers; information campaigns for international stakeholders including a conference at IULM University in Milan and a presentation at the European Circus Association General Members Meeting
The project’s training path involved 10 Colombians, 9 Kenyans and 13 Italians. Respectively, Kenyans and Colombians gave lessons to other 40 and 70 young artists in their countries, spreading the competences to face the modern live show labor market.
The information campaign reached 500 university students, dozens of the most important European circus stakeholders, thousands of people via internet, press releases, articles and services and included a publication, a video-documentary and an open-access media kit.